pickin' strawberries

Mark ate more than he picked!
Sleeping....how she spent most of her trip. Looking for the big, red, juicy strawberries. There were lots!
She's awake and ready to help pick!

Mark's Spring Program

Mark's preschool class had their Spring Program the other day. He was most excited about his performance. They sang "silly songs" (Dr. Seuss songs) Around his neck is his green eggs and ham. Mark did a very good job, but the only thing was that he couldn't stop waving to us in the audience! It was quite humorous. You can see in the top picture that nobody else is waving, but Mark. He sang the songs though and did the hand movements, he just added some additional waving to his act.

our Princess is growing up!

Our Princess is 10 months old! Actually, she is a bit older, but I am just now getting around to putting her pictures on our blog. So what can I say about our "little Roo"? She gets into everything! She is crawling around everywhere and when she needs to "speed crawl" (get somewhere fast) she puts her down and takes off. I guess she feels when her head is down she somehow crawls faster!? Roo Roo likes to look out the windows, so it is now necessary to pull the blinds up, before she pulls them off. She really likes to be outside, you can see her sitting on their new picnic table. She looks like a drunk person downing a beer when she drinks her juice! She also likes to play in the refrigerator, but doesn't get to do that too much. Since I won't let her play in the frig she loves to play with the barn that plays music on the outside of the frig. This was Mark's toy when he was little and now it's Addison's turn! Her favorite game - peek a boo. She will take blankets or anything soft and put it over her face and then pull down and smile sooo big! Another new talent - she likes to point her finger at you. She keeps us and Mark busy that is for sure! We'll keep her though!

we got a wii

This past week-end we went to our neighbor's house for pizza and to let Mark play with his friend James. Mark and James are about the same age. Well, our friends just got a wii. They showed us all the games and let us play some too! We played baseball, tennis and went bowling. It was so much fun!! I loved the bowling! We had so much fun playing the wii, Jason decided to start looking for one for us. These things are very hard to come by though. Well, Jason thought to check Sam's and as luck would have it - they had plenty! He picked one up tonight and here are some pictures of Mark playing. He played at James' house too, so he had an idea what to do. I think his favorite game is the boxing. It is funny to watch him box. Mark playing golf.

Mark boxing.

yummy, ice cream!

The other day we got some ice cream from Brusters. Jason gave Addison a lick of his mint oreo, however, she was not happy with just a lick. She wanted to eat his whole cone! Such a piggy! As you can see, she really enjoyed her ice cream!
