Rub a Dub Dub, Addison's in the Tub!

Addison loves to sit-up now and loves to splash in the tub, so we put her in the ducky tub. She had a good time! She sat and splashed and of course, chewed on whatever she could get in her mouth. Hopefully we'll be seeing some teeth soon! Mark needed a bath too, so we filled up the tub with water and put him in. He thought it was great that he and Addison were taking a bath together.


Much to our disbelief, we got more snow! Luckily we had a sled that Grandma had bought Mark when he turned 1! He was a bit long for it, but it still worked great! We pushed him down the hill in our backyard and he loved it! (Even though his face doesn't really show that.) Hopefully we won't have to wait so many more years for snow again!


SNOW!!! We were so excited to get snow! Mark couldn't get his coat on fast enough when the snowflakes started to fall. He immediately ran outside and stuck out his tongue to catch some snow. He had lots of fun outside and didn't want to come inside. Addison went out for a minute too. Jason and Mark made a snowman (see below) and made snowballs. We were so happy that it finally snowed here! Last time it snowed Mark was 2 months old. We've been waiting 4 years for snow!

Mark's snowman. Yes, his snowman is sitting on the table. We didn't have much snow to work with.

Play Trains with Me!

Mark LOVES playing trains! He especially loves to have someone play trains with him. Those of you that have been to our house know this well! Jason and Mark work hard designing the track. Well Jason works hard to design it and Mark supervises. Mark likes to get all the trains going, however, we often have traffic jams. "STOP THE TRAINS!" Mark will yell. We have to stop all the trains and fix the problems and then proceed. When Mark is in charge, it is quite an organized operation.

Addison "playing" trains too. Actually Addsion doesn't mind watching all the trains go around the track and will attempt to get them when they pass in front of her!


Mark and Addison had their latest check-ups at the doctors. Mark and I took Addison for her 6 month check-up. She weighed in at 14 lbs. 4.2 ozs. and measured 27 1/2 in. long. She is in the 7% for weight and the 87% for height! So needless to say she is tall and skinny. She had to get 3 shots too! She was not happy about those! Jason took Mark for his 4 year check-up. (I sent Jason, because I knew poor Mark was in for 4 shots!) Mark weighed in at 32 1/2 lbs. and measured 40 1/2 in. tall. He is in the 17% for weight and 49% for height. And he got his 4 shots and his finger pricked. Jason said he did a very good job though. I think it helped that the two of them went to Wal-Mart after the appointment and got some more stuff for his train.

I Can Sit-Up!

Addison Clarie has learned how to sit-up! She is still a bit wobbly sometimes, so we surround her with pillows. She is doing a good job though! She also loves to sit in her excersaucer! You can see her eating one of the toys. She has reached the stage where everything goes in her mouth! Her favorite thing to do, of course, continues to be watching Mark! I cannot say it enough - she LOVES Mark and Mark LOVES her!