Happy Holidays!!


So I just had to share these pictures taken on Christmas. No, these aren't the sweet Christmas memories we had, but these pictures make Jason and I crack up!! Jason was trying to get a picture of me and the kids, but as you can see, Addison Claire was more interested in pulling Mark's hair. Something she loves to do! Mark stays sweet though but says in a firm voice "ADDISON CLAIRE"!

Finally - the picture I wanted. Notice though Addison is still eyeing Mark's hair!

Happy 4th Birthday Mark!

Happy 4th Birthday Mark! Can you believe Mark is already 4 years old? Jason and I still can't get over the fact that we have a 4 year old! The sweetest, most kind 4 year old there is! And the BEST big brother ever!

Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Bradley gave Mark a police uniform. This uniform was quite the hit at his party. Mark is so sweet though, of course he would share it.

Mark pulling on the strings of his pinata. Literally the last string pulled finally opened up the pinata allowing the candy to fall out!

Our family picture.

Mark's Christmas Program

All the 3 and 4 year olds at Mark's school performed in the Christmas Program. The kids walked in with red blinking noses and took their places on the stage. Mark's class sang Away in a Manger and Jingle Bells. He had been practicing his songs at home and it paid off. He did such a good job on the stage! It was so cute! The pictures aren't the greatest, because I had to stand in the back of the church with Addison hanging on me and take the pictures. Jason was in charge of the video camera.

Happy Turkey Day!

We enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at Nana and Paw-Paw's house. We had quite the feast and it was all delicious! Personally, I could eat like that everyday! It was a full house too - Mark, Addison, Jason, Amanda, Nana, Paw-Paw, Grandpa, Uncle Bradley, Aunt Jennifer, Aunt Marsha, Uncle Kirk, Laura, Maw-Maw, Seaborn, Jen and Pete! And of course, Mark was the star of the night!

Mark and Aunt Marsha

Grandpa, Seaborn, Paw-Paw, Uncle Kirk and Jason

Uncle Kirk serving the sweet tea. Nice job!

Addison was much more interested in eating my Thanksgiving dinner than her baby food sweet potatoes.

Pete is a police officer for Atlanta. He brought some of his police things to show Mark. Here is Mark wearing Pete's hat, badge and holding his radio. He really liked the radio. I don't think Mark wanted to give everything back when it was time for us to leave.

Paw-Paw and Grandpa with Addison

Trick or Treat!

Trick or Treat! Here's our Mater and flower. Aren't they just the cutest? Mark had a good time trick or treating and Addison did good in her costume. She only went to Aunt Jennifer's and Uncle Bradley's house though. Then she and I went home to hand out candy. Unfortunately we weren't able to get a good picture of both of them together. Maybe next year!

Mark's Halloween Party

On Halloween, Mark's class had a party and I got to go too! Nothing like a classroom full of 14 three year olds to make me miss teaching! Just kidding! The children had lunch and yummy spider cupcakes. Notice what the black icing did to his teeth! They ran around in their costumes and his Mater costume was quite the hit! Then we went outside to the "magic pumpkin patch". Earlier in the day the children had sprinkled "magic dust" on the ground in hopes of growing pumpkins. Well - it worked! When we went out there were pumpkins everywhere!

Pumpkin Patch!

We went to the Pumpkin Patch to pick out our pumpkins. There were lots of pumpkins to choose from, so Mark had a hard time finding the right one. He was happy to pose for pictures though!

This is Mark with Flopsy. Flopsy is his class pet. Every week-end a child is chosen to take home Flopsy. Mark's teacher said he was the best listener so that is why he got to bring home Flopsy. Flopsy went everywhere with us that week-end!

Hello Everyone!

Hello Everyone! I am a big girl! I can roll over both ways and sit up on my elbows and look around! I especially love to watch my big brother!

I Got a Bumbo!

A Bumbo is the pink seat you see. It is the "latest" baby thing and is supposed to help babies learn to sit up. Addison thinks it is okay, but she would rather be on her back on the floor.

Just Some Snapshots!

Yummy! My hands! She loves to eat her hands! At Addison's 4 month check-up she weighed in at 11lbs 7.5 ozs and measured 24 1/2 in. long! She's growing!

Trying Some Cereal

Addison's first encounter with cereal and a spoon! She wasn't so sure about either one and still isn't so sure about them! We keep trying though!

Mark's 1st Day of School!

Look at our little man! His first day of Preschool! His very first day was a little rough, but ever since he really enjoys school. He has a lot of fun and has made lots of friends. He always brings home lots of artwork that he proudly displays on the refrigerator. He is learning lots too! I thinks he knows a lot more than we realize. His teachers, Ms. Shannon and Ms. Susan, say he is a very good listener and a very sweet boy!